Product Description
Ego Resolve Plus 1.0 Cream is an effective treatment for inflamed or itchy tinea, such as athletes’ foot, jock itch and ringworm. Also effective for inflamed or itchy skin infections such as thrush, thrush infected napkin rash, fungal infected eczema/dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis or inflamed fungal infections where bacterial infection may be present.
- For inflamed or itchy tinea
- For inflamed or itchy skin infections
- As a protective base cream
- For fungal infections
How to use:
- Clean and dry affected area thoroughly
- Gently apply to the affected and surrounding skin twice daily
- Once inflammation has subsided continue treatment with an antifungal cream for 14 days after symptoms disappear to avoid recurrence
- Regular application is essential for successful treatment
- Cleanse with a soap alternative as soap may irritate the skin
Resolve Plus 1.0 Cream 30 gm
Ego Resolve Plus 1.0 Cream 30 g
Short description:
- Protective base cream
- For inflamed or itchy tinea
- Soothing formula
- Contains Hydrocortisone 1%, Miconazole Nitrate 2per_centage
Ego Resolve Plus 1.0 Cream is effective treatment for inflamed or itchy tinea, such as athletes’ foot, jock itch and ringworm. Also effective for inflamed or itchy skin infections such as thrush, thrush infected napkin rash, fungal infected eczema/dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis or inflamed fungal infections where bacterial infection may be present.
- For inflamed or itchy tinea
- For inflamed or itchy skin infections
- As a protective base cream
- For fungal infections
How to use:
- Clean and dry affected area thoroughly
- Gently apply to the affected and surrounding skin twice daily
- Once inflammation has subsided continue treatment with an antifungal cream for 14 days after symptoms disappear to avoid recurrence
- Regular application is essential for successful treatment
- Cleanse with a soap alternative as soap may irritate the skin
- For inflamed or itchy tinea
- For inflamed or itchy skin infections
- As a protective base cream
- For fungal infections
How to use:
- Clean and dry affected area thoroughly
- Gently apply to the affected and surrounding skin twice daily
- Once inflammation has subsided continue treatment with an antifungal cream for 14 days after symptoms disappear to avoid recurrence
- Regular application is essential for successful treatment
- Cleanse with a soap alternative as soap may irritate the skin
EGO QV Resolve Plus 1.0 30g
Non-fungal and anti-inflammatory cream, used to treat inflamed skin and reduces the irritation and redness of inflamed, contains hydrocortisone, very effective as soothing treatment for irritating skin, thrush, seborrheic dermatitis.
Key Features :
Quantity Per Pack:
Ego Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd.
Country Of Origin:
Storage Temperature:
Cool Temperature
Male, Female, Unisex
Pack Specification:
Net Pack Weight (g):
وصف المنتج
وصف: يعتبر Ego Resolve Plus 1.0 Cream علاجًا فعالًا للسعفة الملتهبة أو المسببة للحكة ، مثل قدم الرياضيين وحكة اللعب والقوباء الحلقية. فعال أيضًا في حالات الالتهابات الجلدية الملتهبة أو المسببة للحكة مثل القلاع والطفح الجلدي المصابة بالفطريات والأكزيما / التهاب الجلد المصابة بالفطريات والتهاب الجلد الدهني أو الالتهابات الفطرية الملتهبة حيث قد توجد عدوى بكتيرية. فوائد: للسعفة الملتهبة أو المسببة للحكة لالتهابات الجلد الملتهبة أو الحكة ككريم أساس وقائي للالتهابات الفطرية كيف تستعمل: نظف المنطقة المصابة وجففها جيدًا ضعيه بلطف على الجلد المصاب والمحيط مرتين يوميًا بمجرد أن يهدأ الالتهاب ، استمر في العلاج باستخدام كريم مضاد للفطريات لمدة 14 يومًا بعد اختفاء الأعراض لتجنب تكرارها التطبيق المنتظم ضروري لنجاح العلاج نظف ببدائل الصابون لأن الصابون قد يهيج الجلد
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