Each suppository contains 400 mg ethyl- 3,5,6 – tri – 0 – benzyl – 0 -glucofuranoside (=tribenosid.), a synthetic active substance belonging to the category of the glucofuranosides, and 40 mg lidocaine. 100 g cream contains 5 g tribenoside and 2 g lidocaine hydrochloride.
It affords prompt relief from the unpleasant symptoms of haemorrhoids (pain, smarting, itching, skin tension), which are chiefly due to secondary inflammation in the anal region. The therapeutic activity displayed by Glyvenol in patients with haemorrhoids is attributable, firstly to its specific pharmacological effects, due to its ability to reduce capillary permeability and improve vascular tone, and secondly to its local anti-inflammatory proper- ties and to the antagonistic action it exerts on a number of endogenous substances which play a role as mediators in the development of inflammation and in the causation of pain. The lidocaine component helps to provide rapid symptomatic relief.