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SKU: 13000268


Product Description
PENTASA® 500 mg slow-release tablets are an intestinal therapeutic agent
PENTASA® 500 mg slow-release tablets are used in:
-    Acute treatment of ulcerative colitis (inflammation of the large intestine with ulceration) and prophylaxis for relapse 
-    Treatment for symptomatic improvement in cases of active Crohn’s disease.

Always take PENTASA® 500 mg slow-release tablets exactly as your doctor has told you. You should check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure. 
If not prescribed otherwise, the usual dose is:
For treatment of acute ulcerative colitis, your doctor will prescribe up to 4 g mesalazine per day, divided in single doses. You may take up to 4 PENTASA® 500 mg slow-release tablets twice a day. 
For prophylaxis of further inflammatory episodes, your doctor will usually prescribe 1.5 g mesalazine per day, e.g. 3 times a day 1 PENTASA® 500 mg slow-release tablet. 
For treatment of acute  Crohn’s disease , your doctor will prescribe up to 4 g mesalazine per day, divided into 2 – 3 single doses, e.g. twice a day 2 – 4 or 3 times a day 2 – 3 PENTASA® 500 mg slow-release tablets each (30 – 50 mg/kg body weight/day).
Children from the age of 6 years:
Ulcerative colitis (acute treatment and prophylaxis of acute ulcerative colitis) und  Crohn’s disease (acute treatment):
The dose given to children is up to the discretion of the physician and depends on the body weight. It is usually recommended that children with a body weight of up to 40 kg should receive half the dose given to a receive half the dose given to adults and children with a body weight above 40 kg should receive the normal adult dose.
Method of administration:
Take the PENTASA® 500 mg slow-release tablets without chewing, preferably between meals, with sufficient fluid or put them into water or fruit juice, stir and drink.
Duration of administration:
The duration of administration is up to the discretion of the treating physician. It depends on the course of the disease. PENTASA® 500 mg slow-release tablets are suitable for long-term use.

If you feel that the effect of PENTASA® 500 mg slow-release tablets is too strong or too weak, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

وصف المنتج


قراص بنتاسا ملغم بطيئة التحرر هي عوامل علاجية معوية.
 تُستخدم أقراص بنتاسا ملغم بطيئة التحرر في: - علاج التهاب القولون التقرّحي الحاد (التهاب الأمعاء الغليظة مع تقرّحات) وكعلاج وقائي للانتكاسات.
- علاج أعراض داء كرون النشط.

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