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SKU: 13000501


Product Description


anti hypertensive drug

Perindopril arginine 5 mg Tablets  

Perindopril belongs to the class of medications called angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. It is used to treat high blood pressure. It helps to control blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels.

What Perindopril arginine is used for:

  • Perindopril arginine is a medicine that belongs to a class of medications known as “angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor”
  • It acts by widening the blood vessels making it easier for your heart to pump blood through them.
  • Perindopril Arginine is used for the following indications:
  • to treat hypertension (high blood pressure).
  • to treat heart failure (which is a disorder that makes your heart muscle unable to pump blood properly)
  • to decrease the risk of cardiac events, like heart attack, in patients with stable coronary artery disease (a disorder where the blood supply to the heart is blocked or decreased) and in patients who have previously had a heart attack and/or an operation to enhance the blood supply to the heart by widening the blood vessels.

Do not take Perindopril arginine: 

  • If you have an allergy to perindopril or any of the other ingredients of this medicine, or to any other ACE inhibitor.
  • If you have previously experienced angioedema to perindopril or another ACE inhibitor.
  • Angioedema is a condition that is manifested by signs and symptoms like swelling of the face, throat or tongue, wheezing, intense itching or severe skin rashes.
  • If a family member has previously experienced angioedema to perindopril or another ACE inhibitor. 
  • If you are more than 3 months pregnant.
  • If you have diabetes mellitus or kidney problems and you are taking aliskiren.

Warnings & Precautions:

  • Stop the medication right away and talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you develop allergic reactions such as shortness of breath, skin rash, swelling of the face or neck, decreased blood pressure and dizziness. 
  • Talk to your doctor if you have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (heart muscle problem), aortic stenosis (main blood vessel that leads to the heart becomes narrowed) or renal artery stenosis (artery supplying blood to the kidney becomes narrow).
  • Talk to your doctor before starting this medicine if you have liver or kidney problems or if you are undergoing dialysis. 
  • Talk to your doctor before starting this medicine if you have diabetes. 
  • Talk to your doctor before starting this medicine if you have collagen vascular disease (disorder of the connective tissue) like scleroderma or systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • Talk to your doctor before starting this medicine if you are following a salt restricted diet or are using salt substitutes that have potassium.
  • Talk to your doctor before starting this medicine if you are to have LDL apheresis (cholesterol removal from your blood using a machine)
  • Talk to your doctor before starting this medicine if you are due to have a surgery and/or anesthesia. 
  • Talk to your doctor before starting this medicine if you are going to undergo a desensitization therapy to decrease the effects of wasp stings or a bee allergy.
  • Talk to your doctor before starting this medicine if you are intolerant to some sugars.
  • Talk to your doctor before starting this medicine if you have recently suffered from vomiting, diarrhea or are dehydrated.
  • Possible Side Effects: 
  • Possible side effects include angioedema (swelling with a red colored rash below the surface of the skin in a localized part of the body on or near the hands, feet, lips, or eyes), dizziness, headache, vertigo, vision problems, pins and needles sensation, tinnitus (noises in your ears), cough, shortness of breath, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, taste changes, vomiting, abdominal pain, lightheadedness, allergic reaction (such as itching and skin rash), tiredness and muscles cramps. 

Other medicines and Perindopril arginine: 

  • Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken or might take any other medications including over the counter non-prescription medicines, prescription medicines, herbal supplements, vitamins and supplements.
  • If you are taking blood pressure medications (e.g. aliskiren).
  • If you are taking diuretics (used to increase urination).
  • If you are taking NSAIDs (used to reduce inflammation, pain and fever like ibuprofen) or high dose aspirin.
  • If you are taking medicines used to treat diabetes (e.g. metformin or insulin).
  • If you are taking lithium (used for depression or mania).
  • If you are taking eplerenone (used to treat heart failure).
  • If you are taking potassium-sparing medicines (like spironolactone, amiloride, triamterene), potassium-containing salt substitutes or potassium supplements.
  • If you are taking baclofen (used to treat muscle stiffness in diseases like multiple sclerosis).
  • If you are taking immunosuppressants (medicines used to reduce your body’s defense mechanism following a transplant or for the treatment of autoimmune disorders like, ciclosporin and tacrolimus).
  • If you are taking medicines used to treat mental disorders such as anxiety, depression and schizophrenia (e.g. antipsychotics and tricyclic antidepressants).
  • If you are taking heparin (blood thinner).
  • If you are taking procainamide (used to treat irregular heart beat).
  • If you are taking estramustine (used to treat cancer).
  • If you are taking allopurinol (used to treat gout).
  • If you are taking gold salts, especially when given into the vein (used to treat signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis).
  • If you are taking trimethoprim (used to treat infections).
  • If you are taking vasodilators including nitrates (medicines that widen the blood vessels).
  • If you are taking medicines used to treat asthma, shock and low blood pressure (e.g. ephedrine, adrenaline or noradrenaline).

How to take Perindopril arginine: 

  • High blood pressure
  • Recommended dose is 5 mg once daily.
  • The dose can be increased to 10 mg once a day if needed after one month.
  • Maximum dose is 10 mg a day. If you are 65 or older, the recommended initial dose is 2.5mg orally once daily.
  • The dose may be increased to 5 mg once daily after a month and then to 10 mg once a day if needed. 
  • Heart failure
  • Recommended dose is 2.5 mg orally once a day.
  • The dose may be increased to 5mg once daily after 2 weeks. Maximum recommended dose is 5 mg once daily. 
  • Stable coronary artery disease
  • Recommended initial dose is 5 mg once a day.
  • The dose may be increased to 10 mg once daily after 2 weeks. Maximum recommended dose is 10 mg once daily.
  • وصف المنتج

أقراص بيريندوبريل أرجينين 5 مجم

ما هو بيريندوبريل أرجينين وما هو إستخدامه:

  • بيريندوبريل أرجينين هو دواء ينتمي إلى فئة من الأدوية تُعرف باسم "مثبط الإنزيم المحول للأنجيوتنسين".
  • يعمل عن طريق توسيع الأوعية الدموية مما يسهل على قلبك ضخ الدم من خلالها.
  • يستخدم بيريندوبريل أرجينين للإشارات التالية: 
  • لعلاج ارتفاع ضغط الدم. 
  • لعلاج قصور القلب (وهو اضطراب يجعل عضلة القلب غير قادرة على ضخ الدم بشكل صحيح). 
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    • صيدليات الإنترنت في قطر
    • صيدلية على الإنترنت في قطر
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