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SKU: 13000507


Product Description

Perindopril 5 mg/ Amlodipine 5 mg Tablets  

What Perindopril/ Amlodipine is used for:

  • Perindopril is a medicine that belongs to a class of medications known as “angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor”.
  • Amlodipine belongs to a class of medicines known as” calcium channel blockers”.
  • One tablet of this product replaces two separate products of Perindopril and Amlodipine.
  • This combination of active ingredients acts by widening the blood vessels making it easier for your heart to pump blood through them.  This medicine is used for the following indications:
  • to treat hypertension (high blood pressure).
  • to decrease the risk of cardiac events, like heart attack, in patients with coronary artery disease.

Do not take Perindopril/ Amlodipine:  

  • If you have an allergy to perindopril, or amlodipine, or any of the other ingredients of this medicine, or to any other ACE inhibitor or calcium channel blocker.
  • If you have previously experienced angioedema to perindopril or another ACE inhibitor.
  • Angioedema is a condition that is manifested by signs and symptoms like swelling of the face, throat or tongue, wheezing, intense itching or severe skin rashes.
  • If a family member has previously experienced angioedema to perindopril or another ACE inhibitor. 
  • If you are being treated with sacubitril/valsartan (used for heart failure).
  • If you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant.
  • If you have diabetes mellitus or kidney problems and you are taking aliskiren.
  • If you have renal artery stenosis (artery supplying blood to the kidney becomes narrow).
  • If you have aortic stenosis (main blood vessel that leads to the heart becomes narrowed).
  • If you have severe low blood pressure.
  • If you have unstable angina (pain or discomfort in the chest that lasts for more than a few minutes or happens at rest and may not be decreased with medication).
  • If you have cardiogenic shock (a severe and sudden decrease in blood flow and blood pressure through the body because of poor pumping of the heart muscle).
  • If you have heart failure (heart muscle is not able to pump blood properly to the body) within the first 28 days following a heart attack.

Warnings & Precautions:

  • Stop the medication right away and talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you develop allergic reactions such as shortness of breath, skin rash, swelling of the face or neck, decreased blood pressure and dizziness. 
  • Your doctor may recommend limiting your alcohol and salt intake, following a healthy diet, exercising and stopping smoking. 
  • Talk to your doctor if you have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (heart muscle problem), aortic stenosis (main blood vessel that leads to the heart becomes narrowed) or renal artery stenosis (artery supplying blood to the kidney becomes narrow).
  • Talk to your doctor before starting this medicine if you have liver or kidney problems or if you are undergoing dialysis. 
  • Talk to your doctor before starting this medicine if you have diabetes. 
  • Talk to your doctor before starting this medicine if you have collagen vascular disease (disorder of the connective tissue) like scleroderma or systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • Talk to your doctor before starting this medicine if you have high potassium levels or are following a salt restricted diet or using salt substitutes that have potassium.
  • Talk to your doctor before starting this medicine if you are to have LDL apheresis (cholesterol removal from your blood using a machine)

How to take Perindopril/ Amlodipine:  


  • Usual recommended dose is 1 tablet orally once daily.
  • Your doctor will determine the specific dose that you need to take.
  • Take exactly as prescribed by your doctor.
  • Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.


  • Recommended starting dose must always be 2.5 mg of perindopril arginine and 2.5 mg of amlodipine taken as separate tablets in elderly patients.
  • Usual recommended dose is 1 tablet orally once daily. 
  • Do not eat or drink any grapefruit containing products when taking this medicine. Grapefruit may increase the concentration of amlodipine in your blood which may lead to excessive drop in your blood pressure. 
  • Take tablet at the same time every day, unless prescribed differently by your doctor.
  • Take tablet before food in the morning.
  • Swallow tablet with a full glass of water. 


COVERAM 5MG/5MG 30TAB - Medical Zone

أقراص بيريندوبريل 5 مجم / أملوديبين 5 مجم


ما هو بيريندوبريل/ أملوديبين وما هو إستخدامه:

  • بيريندوبريل هو دواء ينتمي إلى فئة من الأدوية تعرف باسم "مثبط الإنزيم المحول للأنجيوتنسين".
  • ينتمي أملوديبين إلى فئة من الأدوية تعرف باسم "حاصرات قنوات الكالسيوم".
  • يحل قرص واحد من هذا المنتج محل منتجين منفصلين من بيريندوبريل وأملوديبين.
  • يعمل هذا المزيج من المكونات النشطة عن طريق توسيع الأوعية الدموية مما يسهل على قلبك ضخ الدم من خلالها. يستخدم هذا الدواء للإشارات التالية: 
  • لعلاج ارتفاع ضغط الدم. 
  • لتقليل مخاطر الإصابة بأمراض القلب، مثل النوبة القلبية، لدى مرضى الشريان التاجي. 
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