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SKU: 1235568


Product Description
Product Description

Canesten Solution is used to treat fungal skin infections such as ringworm, athlete’s foot, fungal intertrigo and fungal infections of the outer and middle ear.
It is also effective in treating skin infections caused by yeasts, dermatophytes, moulds and other fungi. It is particularly suitable for use on hairy skin and in fungal infections of the outer ear otitis externa and middle ear otomycosis.

How to use:

Canesten Solution should be thinly and evenly applied to the affected area 2 or 3 times a day and gently rubbed in. A few drops are enough to treat an area of about the size of the hand.

Warning and cautions:

This medicine should not be used if you are allergic to one or any of its ingredients.

Side effects :-

-allergic reaction


-oedema and skin peeling

-itching & redness


Clotrimazole 0.2 g , Macrogol 400.


Canesten Anti-fungal solution is a liquid treatment for beach fungus suitable for hairy areas or as a substitute for creams. Canesten Solution provides effective treatment of fungal skin conditions such as tinea, athlete's foot, ring worm and candidal infections including fungal infection around the nail margin. It contains a broad-spectrum anti-fungal agent with activity against the dermatophytes and yeasts that are associated with fungal infections.


 - Treatment of fungal skin conditions.


 - Anti-fungal treatmen


Antifungal Solution for the treatment of fungal skin infections.

Canesten 1% Solution 20 ml

For the treatment of fungal skin conditions such as tinea, athlete's foot, ring worm and candidal infections including fungal infection around the nail margin.

Canesten Anti-fungal solution is a liquid treatment for beach fungus suitable for hairy areas or as a substitute for creams. Canesten Solution provides effective treatment of fungal skin conditions such as tinea, athlete's foot, ring worm and candidal infections including fungal infection around the nail margin. It contains a broad-spectrum anti-fungal agent with activity against the dermatophytes and yeasts that are associated with fungal infections.


Canesten 1% Solution 20Ml

Canesten Solution is used to treat fungal skin infections such as ringworm, athlete's foot, fungal nappy rash and fungal sweat rash.
Treating fungal skin infections
Canesten Solution Clotrimazole 1% 20ml w/v Canesten Solution is used to treat fungal skin infections such as jock itch, sweat rash, and fungal nappy rash. It can also be used to treat ringworm, athlete's foot, fungal intertrigo and fungal infections of the outer and middle ear. (Please consult your physician before taking any medication)


وصف المنتج
وصف المنتج:

يستخدم كانستين محلول لعلاج حالات العدوى الفطرية للجلد مثل القوباء الحلقية، والقدم الرياضي، وفطريات الثنيات، وحالات العدوى الفطرية للأذن الخارجية والوسطى.
وهو فعال أيضًا في علاج حالات العدوى الجلدية الناتجة عن الخمائر وفطريات الجلد، وحالات العفن الفطري، وغيرها من الفطريات.
وهو مناسب خصيصًا للاستعمال على البشرة المغطاة بالشعر، وفي حالات العدوى الفطرية للأذن الخارجية التهاب الأذن الخارجية، والوسطى فطريات الأذن.

كيفية الإستخدام

توزع طبقة رقيقة من محلول كانيستن بانتظام على المناطق المصابة مرتين أو 3 مرات يوميًا، وتدلك برفق.
تكفي بضع قطرات لعلاج منطقة بحجم يصل إلى حجم اليد تقريبًا.

التحذيرات والإحتياطات:

ينبغي ألا يستخدم هذا الدواء إذا كنت تعاني من الحساسية لأي من مكوناته.


كلوتريمازول 0.2 غم، ماكروغول 400.

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