وحدة SKU: 13000381
Product Description
Repaglinide 2mg Tablets
What Repaglinide is used for:
- Repaglinide is an oral antidiabetic medicine
- which helps your pancreas produce more insulin and thereby lower your blood sugar (glucose).
Do not take Repaglinide:
- if you are allergic to Repaglinide or any of the other ingredients in this medicine.
- if you have type 1 diabetes.
- if the acid level in your body is raised (diabetic ketoacidosis).
- if you have a severe liver disease.
- if you take gemfibrozil (a medicine used to lower increased fat levels in the blood).
- Warnings and precautions
- Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking Repaglinide:
- if you have liver problems. Repaglinide is not recommended in patients with moderate liver disease. Repaglinide should not be taken if you have a severe liver disease.
- if you have kidney problems. Repaglinide should be taken with caution.
- if you are about to have major surgery or you have recently suffered a severe illness.
- if you are under 18 or over 75 years of age. Repaglinide is not recommended.
وصف المنتج
ريباجلينيد 2 مجم أقراص
ما هو ريباجلينيد وما هي دواعي استخدامه:
- ريباجلينيد هو دواء فموي مضاد لمرض السكر
- يساعد البنكرياس على إنتاج المزيد من الأنسولين وبالتالي خفض نسبة السكر في الدم (الجلوكوز).
Home delivery
- Home delivery service for medicines, beauty products, medical devices and baby products is available from Ibn Rushd pharmacies in Qatar . Online pharmacy
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- Home delivery to your door
- From door to door. Your health is in our concern.
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