“• intrauterine contraceptive device made of polyethylene • and barium sulphate. The side arms are flexible and
• shaped in such a way as to keep the IUD adjacent • to the fundus, without stretching the uternie cavity or
• touching the entrance of the fallopian tubes. Female • contraception (long lasting)Category: ContraceptiveTags: contraceptives, intrauterine loop GYNEPLUS NORMAL 380 GOLD LOOP
intrauterine contraceptive
PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION:Medical devices, etc. / Soft tissue implants / Intrauterine devices
Gyneplus 380 Au / Cu offers almost complete protection against pregnancy. Its effects last longer than other reversible intrauterine Planned Parenthood devices that do not contain copper.Description
Gyneplus 380 gold/copper normal- intrauterine contraceptive device
Of normal size with 380 mm2 active surface of copper and gold in the heart of the wire.
5 years of contraceptive life after inserted. It can only be inserted by a physician!
Gyneplus 380 Copper is a copper uterine coil.Gyneplus 380 Copper Mini is a very reliable method of contraception, its effectiveness does not depend on the user's mistakes, its impossible to forget, he just is always with you.
Mini-sized uterine coils are designed for women with a uterine cavity depth of 6 to 8.5 cm.
Medium and small uterine coils "GYNEPLUS"
Gyneplus 380 Copper (Mini), Gyneplus 380 Gold / Copper (Small), Gyneplus 380 Gold / Copper (Normal) and Gyneplus 380 Copper (Medium) ) intrauterine IUDs are contraceptives of the uterus. Their T-shaped base is made of polyethylene. The vertical axis of the spiral is wrapped in copper wire. The copper surface of all models is 380 mm2. Two nylon threads are attached to the lower end of the vertical axis. Wire and polyethylene are radiation-proof.
A short anatomy lesson. The uterus (c) is located in the lower abdominal cavity, above the pubic bone. It is a pear-shaped muscular organ, slightly smaller than the fist.
The uterus connects to the cervix (d) and vagina (e). In the upper part, on both sides, there are fallopian tubes (a), the other end of which opens at the ovaries (b).
The ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, and vagina form a woman’s genitals, which begin to function at the onset of puberty.
The onset of menstruation indicates that the woman is sexually mature. Approximately every four weeks, a small ovum (less than this point in the ovary) matures in one of the ovaries.
The egg (a) travels through the fallopian tube, where it can be fertilized by a male germ cell, a sperm.
While the egg is moving in the fallopian tube, the uterus prepares to accept it if fertilization occurs. The inner wall of the uterus is covered with mucous membrane (c) (like the mouth). At about the time an egg matures for fertilization, this wall - the endometrium - becomes twice as thick as normal, and the small blood vessels provide it with extra blood.
If the egg is not fertilized, part of the endometrium is removed after fourteen days along with a certain amount of blood - this is called menstruation (d).
If the egg is fertilized, it travels from the fallopian tube to the uterus, where it attaches to the mucosa (e), usually in the upper part of the uterine cavity. If this happens, the mucous membrane layer does not remove - there is no menstruation.A time-tested method of rebirth It has
been known for more than 2,000 years that pregnancy can be prevented by inserting various objects into the uterus, such as a pebble, a ring, or a wire.
Based on this ancient method, doctors have developed a modern and reliable method of contraception. IUS has been found to be more reliable if copper is used.
It is still not known exactly how IUS protects against pregnancy, but it is believed that this measure prevents sperm from meeting the egg and fertilizing it.
Mode of action and possible effects
The shape of all Gyneplus models protects the uterus from irritation. The IUD is usually inserted into the uterus during menstruation. This process is not usually painful. The cervix is inspected and the length of the cervix is determined. The appropriately selected Gyneplus model is carefully pushed into the uterine cavity until it is in place and touches the bottom. Added Gyneplus immediately protects against pregnancy.
All Gyneplus models are effective for 5 years.
IUSs are particularly effective; in terms of pregnancy prevention, their effects can be compared only with those of oral contraceptives. No method of contraception provides 100% protection. However, from a practical point of view, Gyneplus can do it.
The function of the IUS has not yet been fully elucidated. However, it is currently thought that they are most likely to interfere with the normal function of male gametes (sperm) and therefore cannot fertilize eggs. Copper ions are also thought to affect ovarian development in such a way that fertilization cannot take place: IUDs are no longer considered a form of abortion.
1. genital malignancies, 2. vaginal bleeding, 3. pregnancy, 4. genital infections, 5. past and / or recurrent ectopic pregnancies, 6. sexually transmitted diseases in the last 12 months (excluding bacterial vaginitis, recurrent herpes infection, hepatitis b), 7. Abortion and subsequent infection in the last 3 months, pelvic inflammatory disease, 8. Uterine abnormalities (congenital or acquired),
9. Copper allergy, 10. Wilson's disease.
Careful consideration should be given to introducing a coil if:
1. you have heart valve disease,
2. you have anemia (anemia),
3. you have problems with blood clotting,
4. you are taking anti-inflammatory medicines,
5. you have more than one sexual partner,
6 you have not given birth.