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Evra Transdermal Patch 3Pcs

Evra Patch online: active ingredient, indications and method of use

The Evra patch was designed to be based on Estradiol and Norelgestromin. It is intended for women aged 18 to 45 and is available by prescription only. It is a thin, beige, 20cm2 transdermal patch. Before using the Evra patch, you must first get the consent of your doctor, who will ask about your medical history in order to judge your body’s suitability for the treatment. The contraceptive comes in an adhesive form, which sticks to the skin in certain places. The Evra patch may be placed on the buttocks, abdomen, shoulder, arm or upper torso. The body part where you choose to affix the patch must be clean, dry and hairless. It is not recommended to put the Evra patch on a breast. To prevent skin irritation, put the patch in a different place each time.

Applied properly, the Evra patch works for a duration of 7 days. This works well for women who complain about having to take a pill every day, which they often forget to do. The patch is clearly visible, long-lasting and comfortable. You begin the treatment on the first day of menstruation and continue to use it for a period of 3 weeks. On the 4th week, you do not apply a patch. If you start using the patch on a certain day of the week, you need to change it on the same day for 3 weeks. On the fourth week, the patch will not be applied. If you take off the patch before 7 days, it is advisable to replace it within a maximum of 24 hours to ensure its effectiveness.

Furthermore, it should be noted that this contraceptive is often prescribed as a second option; that is to say after you have already found the contraceptive pill to be unsatisfactory beforehand. Your doctor may prescribe this type of birth control for the sake of practicality and comfort. But the patch is only advised for women who can also use the combined pill, as it works in almost exactly the same way.

Who should be careful when using the patch?

Body weight exceeding or equal to 90kg

Contraceptive efficacy may be reduced in women weighing 90 kg or more.

Renal failure

EVRA has not been studied in women with renal impairment. No dosage adjustment is necessary, but, as suggested in the literature, the unbound fraction of Ethinyl estradiol is higher, so increased medical supervision is necessary during the use of EVRA.

Hepatic insufficiency

EVRA has not been studied in women with hepatic impairment. EVRA is contraindicated for women with hepatic impairment (see contraindications).

Postmenopausal women

EVRA is not advised for postmenopausal women and is not intended for use as hormonal replacement therapy.

Paediatric population

Safety and efficacy have not been established in adolescents under 18 years. The use of EVRA in children and pre-pubescent teens is not relevant.

How to use Evra Patch?

EVRA should be applied to clean, dry, healthy, intact and hairless skin, i.e. on the buttock, abdomen, outer side of the upper arm or upper torso; in a place where it will not suffer from friction caused by tight clothing. EVRA should not be placed on the breasts or on skin that is red, irritated or cut. Every new patch should be placed on a different part of the skin from the previous patch, in order to avoid any potential irritation. Although, they may be applied in the same anatomical region.

It is necessary to press the patch firmly until the edges stick well.

To prevent interference with the adhesive properties of the patch, you should not apply makeup, creams, lotions, powders or other topical products to the area of skin where you plan to place the patch.

It is recommended that users check their patch daily to ensure that it is still attached to your skin correctly.

The EVRA transdermal patch should not be cut, damaged or altered in any way as this may compromise contraceptive effectiveness.

Used transdermal patches should be discarded carefully in accordance with the instructions in the user manual for handling and disposal.


Product Description

thinylestradiol, Norelgestromin transdermal patch

What Ethinylestradiol, Norelgestromin is and what it is used for

This medicine contains two types of sex hormones, a progestogen called norelgestromin and an oestrogen called ethinyl estradiol. Because it contains two hormones, it is called a ‘combined hormonal contraceptive’. It is used to prevent pregnancy

What you need to know before you use Ethinylestradiol, Norelgestromin

Do not use Ethinylestradiol, Norelgestromin

Warnings and precautions

You should let your doctor know:

• if you have Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis (chronic inflammatory bowel disease);

• if you have SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus; a disease affecting your natural defence system);

• if you have haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS - a disorder of blood clotting causing failure of the kidneys);

• if you have sickle cell anaemia (an inherited disease of the red blood cells);

• if you have elevated levels of fat in the blood (hypertriglyceridaemia) or a positive family history for this condition. Hypertriglyceridaemia has been associated with an increased risk of developing pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas);

• if you need an operation, or you are off your feet for a long time;

• if you have just given birth you are at an increased risk of blood clots

• if you have an inflammation in the veins under the skin (superficial thrombophlebitis);

• if you have varicose veins

Other medicines and Ethinylestradiol, Norelgestromin

Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken or might take any other medicines.

Certain medicines and herbal therapies may stop this pill from working properly. If this happens you could get pregnant, or may experience unexpected bleeding. These include medicines used for the treatment of:

• some antiretroviral medicines used to treat HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C virus infections (socalled protease inhibitors and non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors such as ritonavir, nevirapine, efavirenz)

• medicines for infection (such as rifampicin and griseofulvin)

• anti-seizure medicines (such as barbiturates, topiramate, phenytoin, carbamazepine, primidone, oxcarbazepine, and felbamate)

• bosentan (a medicine for high blood pressure in the blood vessels in the lungs)

• St. John’s wort (an herbal therapy used for depression)

This pill may make some other medicines less effective, such as:

• medicines containing ciclosporin

• lamotrigine used for epilepsy [This can increase the risk of fits (seizures)]

How to use Ethinylestradiol, Norelgestromin

To prevent pregnancy, always take this medicine exactly as described in this leaflet or as your doctor, family planning nurse or pharmacist has told you. Check with your doctor, family planning nurse or pharmacist if you are not sure.

إيثينيل إستراديول ، نوريلجسترومين رقعة عبر الجلد

ما هو ايثينيل استراديول ، نوريلجسترومين  وما هي دواعي استعماله:
يحتوي هذا الدواء على نوعين من الهرمونات الجنسية ، بروجستيرونية المفعول يسمى نورلجيسترومين وإستروجين يسمى إيثينيل استراديول. لأنها تحتوي على نوعين من الهرمونات تسمى "موانع الحمل الهرمونية المركبة". يتم استخدامه لمنع الحمل

 المنتجات ذات الصلة 
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